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A Walker Style Christmas

The sad and honest truth is that the world of Sons of Thunder was never graced with a Christmas-themed episode. Nope. Nada. Not a one. While this brings tears to the eyes of everyone who might have wished to see Trent bribing Carlos into playing Santa or see Kim rushing to save a stolen nativity treasure on a whim, it regrettably never took place. But all true fans of Walker know that they can always snuggle up by the fire with a warm Texas-sized mug of hot cocoa and enjoy Christmas in the style of our favorite Texas Rangers. I've taken it upon myself to bring you the three episodes of Walker where the halls were decked and stockings were hung with care. So be sure to pull out those DVDs sometime before the clock strikes midnight on Christmas Eve and soak in some memorable Christmas cheer with the gang!

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me the first episode I recall having decked the halls in all of its four seasons. In season four's "The Covenant," things are looking merry and bright around town until C.D.'s holiday shenanigans are left on the back burner when a neighborhood gang makes an attempt on his life. Meanwhile, the Lopez family whose youngest son attends Walker's karate school, faces the unthinkable when this same gang nearly kills the eldest son in a drive-by shooting. Walker and the gang will fight to the end to see that no more lives or lost and it can be a joyous holiday despite the setbacks brought on by gang-related violence.

This episode was the first of a handful of episodes the Lopez family appeared in. Personally, this family is one of my favorites from the series because of their tenacity and hope despite the absolute hell they were forced to endure in their circumstances. They remind me that I never have to give up. And faith is only a friend away. Their story is also a reminder that we have to be the Walkers in our world today, standing up for what is right and helping those who can't quite see their way through heartache. You just might be the friend the next person you meet needs to help them find hope in their life.

"A Ranger Christmas" takes away to the western frontier where we are reunited was legendary Texas Ranger Hayes Cooper and his own personal quest to discover the true meaning of Christmas despite certain present day youngsters inability to believe in the spirit of the holiday. As children from the local orphanage gather to receive presents from Ranger Walker, Alex, and Trivette at C.D.'s, Walker recounts the story of Hayes Cooper as he travels across the prairie with a would-be prisoner whose family ends up showing him the light of the season and salvation through Christ on Christmas, Jesus' birthday.

As a Christian myself, this episode made me cry a little. Correction. I still tear up a little when the "prisoner" tells Cooper about why he and his family celebrate Christmas. It's a touching reminder that we don't often hear as clearly in television.

Last but certainly not least on the list of holiday joy is season seven's memorable episode "A Matter of Faith." In this award-winning episode, neighborhood gangs are influencing the city yet again. This time, they set their sites on making their former brother Juan feel guilty for completely turning away from the gang life. Meanwhile, Juan is busy helping Pastor Chavez prepare for spreading holiday cheer to the needy when he's not tutoring hard-working kids at Miss Cahill's H.O.P.E. center. Also putting a monkey Grinch...I mean wrench into the season is a mysterious band of robbers giving Santa a bad name and stealing from various business across town. Meanwhile, when Pastor Chavez is brutally attacked during a robbery at his church, Juan faces his past square in the eyes when feelings of anger and revenge creep up inside of him. He must choose whether or not he will go back to his old ways or do the right thing in the face of evil.

Hands down, this episode is definitely somewhere in my top ten favorite episodes because of the strong message of forgiveness and grace that Walker reminds Juan of towards the end of the episode. Beside this, the entire episode is such a genuine reminder of what Christmas is truly about...Jesus. And the gift of love he gave us all by coming to earth in the form of a man to see that all mankind would have a chance at freedom in our hearts and lives. As humorous as Walker and Trivette's discussion about gifts was in this episode, Walker (as usual) was right. Christmas is not about getting gifts but about being with those we love and sharing the love that a little baby gave to us all.


So that's it folks! All three Christmas episodes of Walker are ready and waiting for you to enjoy this holiday season! Deck the halls, stoke the fire, hang that stocking, and dust off your DVD collection before the big day and welcome the Christmas spirit into your home in the best way possible. Make it a Walker marathon night!

Let me know! Which Christmas episode is your favorite? Did I miss a Christmas moment from the series that you loved? What part of the gang's Christmas celebrations warmed your hearts the most? I'd love to know!


God Bless! And I hope everyone has a blessed and happy Christmas season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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