Legacy of Thunder
A Sons of Thunder Fan Site
Welcome to the number one fan website for the support of Sons of Thunder! After being moved greatly by the story of Trent Malloy, his family, and his best childhood friend several years ago, I fell head over heels for the world of the Sons of Thunder. Every aspect of their involvement and dedication to making this world a better place through helping people alongside their friends drew me in and kept me there. There was just something about these characters that made a heart connection with me. And after a long road of writing stories in their world and musing over why television like this doesn't exist anymore, I decided to finally create my own fan site supporting these beloved characters and their lives in light of the rarity of its predecessors.
Thank you for visiting, and be sure to help spread the word! Here's to keeping the Legacy of Thunder alive.
Thanks to these previous Sons of Thunder fan sites: Storm Front, SOT Info Page, SOT Treasury, West End.
Special thanks to these incredible people who have helped to make this site wonderful:
Blake Pieck || Dawn Maxey || Marco Sanchez || Samir Retiel || Mark Fauser