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Welcome to the Legacy

First and foremost, many thanks are in order. Most importantly, thank you to the entire cast and crew of Walker Texas Ranger and Sons of Thunder who worked tirelessly to bring us one of television's all-time masterpieces that is still treasured by many fans around the world. Second, thank you to all of the fans who have found their way to this website. I'm not some big name in the industry yet. I'm just a fan with big dreams. And keeping the legacy of thunder alive and well is one of them. Through this site and other future endeavors, I am looking forward to helping be the face of a new generation of Walker fans who still love yesterday's most impacting television productions.

This blog will serve as a hub for news and important updates and information. If something is happening, big or small, it will be posted here. Plus, you will get a deeper look into the series through periodical episode highlights and such on a regular basis. Thank you for visiting the Legacy and I hope you'll return again and again. Lot's of great things are coming. And thank you for being a part of it all.

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