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Jimmy Wlcek Written Fan Q&A

Est. 2004 - Special thanks to Blake Pieck

1. Are you going to keep acting?

Yes. I recently just finished shooting a movie in Dayton Ohio. The film is currently titled "Raising The Dead" - I play the lead role opposite Alison Eastwood. It's expected to go to Sundance Film Festival in January 2005. I'm excited about it.

2. Is there anything we can do to help on that?

Please go see it or rent it!!!

FYI: I played an extra in the film "Little Black Book" with Britney Murphy I may be seen in the Hockey sequence. Don't blink or you may miss me.

3. What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Not much...

4. Can I come to wherever you are and take a picture with you so that I can tease my gal pals?

*Jimmy Didn't Answer This One*

5. Can I take you home with me?

My wife may have a problem with that.

6. Who does your hair?

Naimie's Salon

7. Who has been your role model growing up, and now?

I've always looked up to different people for things

8. Who is your hockey idol?

Pat LaFontaine / Mario Lemieux

9. How do you stay in such great shape?

I Play hockey and work out 3 times a week.

10. What are your regular meals each day?

I eat everything exept fast food.

11. How do you sculpt your body that way?

Refer to Question #9

12. What are you aging secrets?

Don't smoke, Don't do drugs and Avoid too much sun.

13. Have you ever been involved in any type of charity work, and if so, what has been one of the most rewarding or memorable experiences that you've had with it?

*Jimmy Didn't Answer this one*

14. What do you think of California living as compared in NJ or NY?

I always look forward going home to NY for X-Mas, but I absolutely love all that California has to offer.

15. Have you ever spent time in the south, and if so, what did you think of it?

When I worked on "Stell Magnolias" I spent 4 weeks down in Louisiana. The people were so friendly! It was a wonderful experience. I loved living in Dallas, T2, While working on "walker" & "Sons"

16. Who trained you in Karate or did you learn all of this yourself?

Chuck's Bodyguard - Howard Jackson

17. What is your definition of a Hero?

A man who lives & breathes for his wife & children - Everyday of his life. My father-In-Law was such a man. I miss him deeply.

18. Did you like doing Walker Texas Ranger?

Loved it! It was a blast! Chuck was great!

19. Do you still keep in touch with the cast of WTR?


20. Are you and Marco friends off the screen?


21. If you had a choice, what kind of movie would you like to star in and is there anyone you'd like to do a movie with (either an actor or director)?

The movie I just did was very gratifying & Challenging. The Director Isaac Eaton, was the best Director that I've ever worked with. As far as actors, there are too many to list.

22. What kind of motorcycle did you ride on in the 2 hour SOT premier?

A Harley. After I fell, they decided to give me the Corvette.

23. Did you ride a motorcycle on ATWT, and if you did, was a stunt double used?

Never had a bike on ATWT.


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24. Why do all of your agency pictures have the same background (Pics are all up against a brick type wall with a wire fence on top)?

I use the same photographer.

25. When did you do off Broadway play "Liars"? What was it about?

1989. It was a Dark comedy, I played a Habitual Liar. I thought the play had a lot of potential.

26. Were there any other Broadway plays you've done?

An off-off Broadway play called - 1984 (George Orwell). It was so off Broadway, it might as well have been in Jersey.

27. What was your favourite role to do?

I really enjoyed playing "Trent Malloy", however I wish the writers would have dug a little deeper into his character. Also, A love interest would have been nice. My favorite role is "Yale Johannas" from "Raising The Dead". It's by far, the most emotionally Challenging role I've had the opportunity to play. Alison Eastwood gave me to much to work off.

28. When did you do the Old spice ad?

I did the old spice Commercial in Dec 1994. Man, does 10 years fly by !!

29. It was rumored that you had done some type of an LA firefighting show/movie. Have you, and if so, what was the name of it and when did you appear in it?

It was called "LA Firefighters" I did an episode called "The Big One". My wife and I are celebrating our honeymoon when an earthquake hits. the show was cancelled before my episode got to air.

30. What did your parents think when you told them you wanted to go into acting?

They were both very supporting.

31. Are you still pursuing a law enforcement career?


And finally, all the way from South Africa. (Webowner's NOTE: Ok, I am NOT the one who ask this question.... Ok I am... but it was a joke and I can't believe it as actually sent to Jimmy!! But hey now we KNOW :) )

32. Boxers or Briefs?


Quick as Texas lightening with Thunder in their souls

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